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BESEDA / Stolik polski: Prochaskovi – dynastie tiskařů z Těšína

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BESEDA S OCHUTNÁVKOU / Pivo na cestě ze středověku do novověku / s Petrem Holubem

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Příroda chráněné krajinné oblasti Poodří / exteriérová výstava fotografií

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UKLIĎME ČESKO / Ukliďmě okolí haldy Emy




Ostrava Museum

The first museum in Ostrava was established already in 1872. It was founded by a teacher, cultural worker and collector Karel Jaromír Bukovanský in Silesian Ostrava. In 1904, the „Industrie und Gewerbe Museum“ was establishes in Moravian Ostrava, supported by the German guidance of the City. In the same year, also the Czech Industrial and Trade Museum was established. After the World War I, all three Ostrava Museums were connected to the only one seated in a previous post office. However, after 1924, that building had to be released for municipal offices. Thanks to the Mayor of the City, Mr. Jan Prokeš, and the Museum administrator Mr. Alois Adamus, the collections were temporarily located to a building of the former City Hall in Mariánské Hory up to the time when a new building of the Ostrava City Hall is built. On October 4, 1931 the Museum was inaugurated in one of the oldest buildings in Ostrava, in the former City Hall at the Masaryk’s square, being situated there up to now. On August 2, 1993 it became a property of the City of Ostrava.

Currently the collection funds comprise about 300 000 inventory number, objects of a significant historical value.

The wides part consists of the society science collection, comprising:

  • prehistorical archeological findings from the surroundings of Ostrava
  • historical and art historical objects – furniture, glass, china, ceramics, clocks, numismatics, painting and sculpture, weapons, tin etc.
  • ethnographic objects – painted furniture, work tools, costumes, glass pictures, plastics
  • musical history – serious music, folklore art, history of Ostrava dramatic art.

Natural sciences are represented by the collection as follows:

  • entomologic – beatles and butterflies
  • geological – minerals, rocks and unique paleontologic carbon collection of Mr. V. Šusta
  • botanic – herbariums, mushrooms
  • zoological – stuffed birds and mammals, preparations of amphibians and fish..

A rich library with ancient printed materials and photoarchive with photos and picture cards of ancient Ostrava forms a separate part of the museum.

The most admired exhibits are the unique interior astronomical clock by Mr. Mašek made in 1924 to 1935 and 200 years old orchestrion.


The history of the old town hall

The building of the old town hall is the dominant feature of the main Ostrava Square, now called Masaryk. There is no historical record documenting when it was built and the first written mention of it is contained in a legal dispute between Jan Sedlnický of Choltice, located in Polish Ostrava, with the city of Moravian Ostrava in 1539.

The building of the old town hall survived the great fires that swept through the city in 1556 and 1675, and in 1727 the tower was rebuilt to reflect the Baroque style. In 1829 lightning struck the tower and it looked like it would have to be demolished. But thanks to the support of city residents, the tower was completely reconstructed and  during the years 1831 to 1837 the old town hall was rebuilt in the Empire style. The original circular brickwork was preserved up to the first floor and in 1859 the second floor was completed.
A relatively extensive reconstruction of the tower and old town hall took place 1874 - 1875 to give it a New Renaissance facade and in 1885 a new building was added to it built on the spot where former butcher shops were located.
In 1931, after more than 400 years, the building ceased housing the town hall administration and afterwards became the home of Ostrava Museum.

During a general reconstruction of the building carried out between 2004 and 2006, the remains of the stone walls of the building were uncovered beneath the ground floor, most likely dating back to the 14th century. Archaeological research has led to the discovery of not only a large amount of ceramic objects used in the kitchens of those days, but also shards from the fires and glass goblets. Of prime importance is the silver Prague groschen, minted during the reign of King Jan Luxemburg between 1310 and 1346. This find moves the history of the location, on which today’s building stands, back about 200 years.

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